Introducing the ACCURATE Digital Service Ecosystem Portal: A New Marketplace for Manufacturing Services


We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the ACCURATE Digital Service Ecosystem Portal. This portal is a significant step in the ACCURATE Gaia-X Lighthouse project and will be an important part of the Gaia-X ecosystem, focusing on the manufacturing sector. 

What is the ACCURATE Digital Service Ecosystem Portal? 

The ACCURATE Portal serves as a “gateway” to various ecosystem services provided by service providers. It allows participants to find and use digital and manufacturing services for collaboration across the value chain. The portal provides a filtered view of the federated catalogue, serving as the primary interface for the Federated Catalogue. This setup helps users to publish, find, and exchange services, manage contracts, and handle data service management. The decentralized approach makes it easier to manage participants and resources and to scale the manufacturing data space. 

According to the Data Space Support Centre (DSSC), the ACCURATE Portal works as a “participant agent.” It lets participants use federation services and the offerings of other participants without needing additional infrastructure. 

How is This Portal Different from Other Marketplaces? 

The ACCURATE Portal offers a clear, direct environment for data and service transactions, without unnecessary intermediaries. Unlike other marketplaces, service providers can create their own custom markets or online shops because the underlying catalogue is open and decentralized, all based on the reference portal. It is not limited to one market interface. The system’s flexible design supports the addition of other portals with their own management systems and criteria to meet specific needs and the portal also allows the integration of other data spaces catalogues. 

Connecting with other ecosystems is also key for this approach. From the start, the ACCURATE portal will be linked with other Gaia-X lighthouses and their services. This connection helps collaborate with other projects and partners in manufacturing early on and share valuable service offerings from other Gaia-X projects. ACCURATE will connect with services from projects like EuProGigant, Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility, COOPERANTS, Flex4Res, Dione-X, and others. 

Technical Overview of the Portal 

The ACCURATE Portal is a user interface that allows participants to publish, manage, find, and use data products and services. In Gaia-X terms, it is part of the data space infrastructure and federation services. The portal can link to multiple data spaces and networks simultaneously and is designed to work well with other markets. 

The Portal provides catalogue information, transaction details, contract, and policy information in a straightforward format. It also checks the information against Gaia-X standards for compliance, which is part of building trust for consumers in Gaia-X ecosystems, verifiable through the connected Gaia-X Digital Clearing Houses (GXDCH). The portal also supports using services and managing new data products through a compute-to-data method, which avoids the need for complex command-line tools. 

The portal is built on the Ocean Enterprise open-source digital service ecosystem software and developed and hosted by ACCURATE member deltaDAO AG as part of the Pontus-X ecosystem, the currently largest publicly available Gaia-X ecosystem powered by smart contracts. 

What’s Next for the ACCURATE Portal? 

The ACCURATE Portal is entering a new development phase and testing manufacturing services. A public testing environment, operated with partners across Europe, is now available for our use case implementations. 

Use Cases 

We will soon provide more details on the specific use cases that will be developed and released. These use cases will show how the portal can be applied in various manufacturing and digital service scenarios. 

Open-Source Foundation 

The ACCURATE Portal will become available as open-source software under the Apache 2.0 license. This makes it easy for any participant or service provider to set up their own version of the marketplace, supporting innovation and collaboration. 

Have Questions or Want to Get Involved? 

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or want to join the ACCURATE ecosystem, please reach out through our Contact Us page


The ACCURATE Digital Service Ecosystem Portal will change how digital and manufacturing services are found, managed, and used. By providing a decentralized, transparent, and flexible marketplace, the portal aims to be a key part of the Gaia-X ecosystem, helping collaboration in the manufacturing sector. 

Do you want to get in touch with ACCURATE?


This project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon Europe’s Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 101138269. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.​

Start: 01/12/2023
Finish: 30/11/2026

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